[Students] CITE - Unscheduled Outage Update

Lydia Harkey Lydia.Harkey at tamuc.edu
Fri Feb 28 10:50:11 CST 2014

Unscheduled Outage Update


What is happening?

Outlook mail service (Campus, Webmail, Mobile) and all Web applications
will be unavailable for approximately another 30 minutes to resolve
technical issues with TouchNet and Banner(Grades, Transcripts, Class
Schedules, and Registration). We will send an update when all services
are available. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your

When will it happen?

Friday, February 28, 2014 from  10:45 a.m. Central Time. 

Services/Applications Impacted:


*         Email (Faculty and Staff only - Campus, Webmail, Mobile) 

*         Web applications

*         Payments at Cashier station or phone

*         Online Payments



Including the following:


*         All Banner Self Service (SSB) services


Services Not Impacted:

Internet services, telephone and related services not identified will
not be impacted.

What you need to do:

If you experience other technical problems, please contact IT Support
.aspx>   * Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. * Helpdesk at tamuc.edu
<mailto:Helpdesk at tamuc.edu>  * 903-468-6000.




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