Shannon Lee Moseley smoseley1 at leomail.tamuc.edu
Wed Apr 17 15:24:09 CDT 2013

Don't miss the first ACROYOGA workshop at Campus Recreation, this SATURDAY,
20 APRIL from 9-NOON.  Cost is just $25.

You do not need to bring a partner, just an open heart and willing spirit.

Acryoga is the hottest trend in yoga and some of the most fun you can
have.  Please stop by or contact the MRC business center for more
information and to register:  903-468-3172.

Space is limited!  Be sure to reserve your spot before it's gone.

To stay up to date on all the happenings at Fitness and Wellness, please
"like" us on Facebook:


Shannon Moseley
Fitness & Wellness
Campus Recreation
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