[Students] Drop-Withdrawal Deadlines / MAY MINI 2012-PLEASE READ

Stacy Gould Stacy.Gould at tamuc.edu
Fri May 11 15:40:28 CDT 2012

Please do not respond to this campus wide message...



   MAY MINI 2012

                                    DROP / WITHDRAWAL DEADLINES


Note:  In the "Mini" courses, students must drop their class prior to
first class day for a  full refund.

If the semester has already begun, students wishing to drop their only
class must obtain a Withdrawal 

Form and fax (or deliver) to the Registrar's Office for processing.   A
withdrawal only means you are 

withdrawing from the term (not the University).  The Withdrawal Form is
located at:
Should you have any questions, please 

call the Registrar's Office at 903-886-5070 for assistance.  


Please refer to the deadlines posted under the Academic Calendar at: 



Our domain address is changing from tamu-commerce.edu to tamuc.edu.  Please be aware that anything sent to a faculty or staff email address ending in @TAMU-COMMERCE.EDU after September 2012, will NOT be received. EMAILS WILL BE REJECTED.  As we begin to transition our email system, please take proactive steps to ensure you have the correct email address. Our new email format for faculty and staff is First.Last at tamuc.edu. Update your address books and contacts as soon as possible with the new email address format to mitigate potential issues in the near future. Thank you
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