[Students] IRB Protocol Review Schedule

Mona Gilley Mona_Gilley at tamu-commerce.edu
Tue Apr 12 14:29:21 CDT 2011

Sending on behalf of Allan D. Headley


To:                          All Faculty/Staff and Students

From:                    Allan D. Headley

              Dean of Graduate Studies and Research

Date:                     April 12, 2011

Re:                         IRB Protocol Review Schedule







The Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects will
be holding its final full board meeting for academic year 2010- 2011 in
early May. 


We are encouraging faculty/students who have any protocols likely to
require Full Board review (specifically, research involving special
populations or interventions, including minors, pregnant women, fetuses,
prisoners) to submit their department-approved protocols
ectsIRB/humanSubjectsProtection.aspx>  to the Office of Sponsored
Programs by Monday, May 2, 2011, by 5:00 p.m.  The next full board
meeting will be held in early September 2011. 


All protocols not requiring full board review will be reviewed by the
IRB Chair until July 7 and no protocols will be reviewed by the IRB from
July 8 until August 29. During this period department- approved
protocols should be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs
<mailto:mona_gilley at tamu-commerce.edu>  for preliminary review by our
staff, so that any initial changes can be completed and the revised
protocol resubmitted for review by the IRB in early September.


If you have any questions please contact Mona Gilley 903-886-5143 or
mona_gilley at tamu-commerce.edu.


As always, before submitting protocols please complete your compliance
(Protection of Human Subjects and Responsible Conduct in Research &
Scholarship), or your protocol cannot be considered.



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