[Students] Summer Study Opportunity in Cuernava, Mexico!

Joan Lawrence Joan_Lawrence at tamu-commerce.edu
Wed Feb 13 15:18:13 CST 2008


Summer Study Opportunity in Cuernava, Mexico!

Hello everyone I would like to invite you to come learn the steps you need
to take in order to be able to spend your summer in Cuernavaca, Mexico and
study Spanish & take a BLED/ESL class you need to come to one of our
informational session to learn about applying, scholarships, financial aid,
and all the other logistics.


Informational sessions will take place on:  

Tuesday, February 19 at 11am in 

Education South 126


Wednesday, February 20 at 11am in Education South 126 



For more information please contact Dr. Green @ 903.886.5533 or
Chris_Green at tamu-commerce.edu


Hope to see you there!




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