[Students] The Lion Food Pantry is Available for Appointments This Wednesday

A&M-Commerce Students students at tamuc.edu
Mon Dec 12 07:56:32 CST 2022

Hi Lions!

The Lion Food Pantry is available by appointment only this Wednesday. We thank you for your patience while we are in the process of moving. Until our move, the Lion Food Pantry will function differently than it has in the past and will not be officially open on Wednesdays until further notice. For students with emergent needs, we will be offering pre-made bags of food by appointment. To make an appointment at the LFP, please fill out this google form https://forms.gle/3cVG9Xtsmn1Mv8iM9. The google form will stop taking responses on Wednesday morning at 10:00 am. If you can not make it during the time slots please email  LionPantry at tamuc.edu<mailto:LionPantry at tamuc.edu> and a staff member will respond to you as soon as possible with pick-up details. You can pick up your bag at your appointed time at 2501 W. Halls Commerce, Texas in Craddock Hall Unit A1.  The Lion Food Pantry staff and volunteers do their best to meet students’ dietary needs but students are ultimately responsible for checking their bags, if there is anything you do not like you can bring it back next week. We are working diligently to make this transition as quick as possible and will be providing updates via social media regarding additional details and when the pantry will reopen in its new location. To stay up to date on relocation information and other pantry updates, please follow @LionsPantry on Twitter or @tamuc_lionfoodpantry on Instagram, as well as our Lion Food Pantry Facebook page.

•  We will still be offering limited volunteer services, so please sign up on ManeSync https://manesync.tamuc.edu/events?group_ids=35566. if you are interested. Due to limited spots, we do ask that you only sign up if you can 100% commit to showing up, as no-call no show volunteers will be unable to volunteer for the remainder of the semester.

Additional Resources:

The Commerce Food Pantry is also open every Thursday from 2 pm to 4 pm. Students are welcome to visit this community food pantry once per month.
The Commerce Food Pantry is located at 1216 Monroe St. Commerce, Tx. https://www.facebook.com/CommerceFoodPantry/

Bread of Life Food Pantry is here to help families in need. They are open every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 5 pm to 8 pm. They provide a supplement box of food.

Hunt County Shared Ministries (FISH)
(Food Pantry)
2805 King St. Greenville, Tx

The Lion Food Pantry Team

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