[Students] Last day to add a 16 week course without approval

Katrina Baker Katrina.Baker at tamuc.edu
Thu Jan 19 11:50:29 CST 2017

TOMORROW is the last day to add a 16 week course without Instructor and Dean approval.

Please note that tomorrow Friday,  January 20, 2017 is the last day to add a 16 week course to your Spring 2016 semester without Instructor and Dean approval . After tomorrow a course may be added until February 1, 2017 but you must have BOTH Instructor AND Dean approval.

Not all courses are the 16 week courses. If you are planning on registering in a class that is shorter than the standard 16 week course, you can find your deadlines here: http://www.tamuc.edu/admissions/registrar/academicCalendars/default.aspx

If you have any additional questions, please contact our office.

Katrina Baker | Coordinator of Enrollment Services
Office of the Registrar
Katrina.Baker at tamuc.edu<mailto:Katrina.Baker at tamuc.edu>

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