[Students] Message from President Jones Regarding the Campus Climate Survey

Wendy D Morgan Wendy.Morgan at tamuc.edu
Thu Feb 25 13:10:09 CST 2016

Dear Texas A&M University-Commerce community student,

At A&M-Commerce we seek to create an environment characterized by openness, fairness, and equal access for all students, staff, and faculty. A welcoming and inclusive campus climate is grounded in mutual respect, nurtured by dialogue, evidenced by a pattern of civil interaction, and is one of the foundations of our educational model.  Creating and maintaining a community environment that respects individual needs, abilities, and potential is critically important.

As you may know, we are in the process of assessing how all members of our community experience the current campus climate via a Learning, Living, and Working Survey. The goals of the project are multifold: 1) identify successful initiatives, 2) uncover any challenges facing members of our community, and 3) develop strategic initiatives to build on the successes and address the challenges.

I encourage you to take a few minutes to help us understand the current climate at A&M-Commerce. The survey is designed to provide information about both positive and challenging aspects of our climate and is your opportunity to describe your personal experiences, your observations, and to offer suggestions for change that might enhance the campus climate.

Be assured: All of your answers will remain confidential and the results will be reported in group form only. You will not be identifiable as an individual. Your participation in this project is voluntary. This research has been reviewed and approved by the Texas A&M University-Commerce Institutional Review Board. Additional information about the project is available at www.tamuc.edu/LearningLivingWorking.

This survey takes about 20-30 minutes to complete and will be available online for three weeks. When you have time, I urge you to visit https://rankinsurveys3.com/tamuc to participate in the survey.

Thank you for your contribution to this vital project.

Dan R. Jones, President
Dan.Jones at tamuc.edu<mailto:Dan.Jones at tamuc.edu>

Mail: P.O. Box 3011 | Commerce, TX 75429
Ship: 2600 W. Neal Street | Commerce, TX 75428
Tel. 903.886.5011 | Fax 903.886.5010 | www.tamuc.edu<http://www.tamuc.edu/>

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