[Students] CITE - Unscheduled Outage Alert –Voice and Internet

David Boyd David.Boyd at tamuc.edu
Thu Feb 11 14:27:59 CST 2016

Unscheduled Outage Alert –Voice and Internet

What is happening?
Due to a Fiber cut in the Greenville area, some Telecommunications Services in the Commerce area are experiencing an outage. This outage is affecting Phone Service for some businesses and residents in Commerce. This is also affecting Internet Service for the ResLife buildings. Students affected by the outage may utilize on Campus resources if necessary.

Services/Applications Impacted:

·         Internet

·         Phone

What you need to do:
If you experience other technical problems, please contact the CITE Support Center at 903-468-6000 or Helpdesk at tamuc.edu<mailto:Helpdesk at tamuc.edu>.

If you experience eCollege technical problems, contact the eCollege helpdesk at 1-866-656-5511 (toll free) or helpdesk at online.tamuc.org<mailto:helpdesk at online.tamuc.org>.

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