[Students] Be a Texas A&M University System Regent or a Student Member of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board!

Wendy D Morgan Wendy.Morgan at tamuc.edu
Mon Nov 9 13:00:07 CST 2015

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Be a Texas A&M University System Regent or a Student Member of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board!

In 2005, the 79th Texas Legislature authorized the Governor to appoint a non-voting student regent for each university or university system. The following session, the 80th Texas Legislature authorized the governor to appoint a non-voting student representative to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).

To aid the governor in his selections, the chancellor of each university system must recommend students based on applications submitted by each president on behalf of the institution's student government organization.  The student appointments serve a one-year term from June 1 to May 31 of the following year.  The Texas A&M University System Student Regent and the THECB Student Representative have the same rights as regularly appointed board members, except the right to vote or be counted toward a quorum for official board business.  The positions serve without compensation, but will be reimbursed for expenses incurred during official board business.

For both of these prestigious leadership opportunities, the application deadline is Monday, November 16th at 7pm.

Applications are available at the links below and must be submitted to  Leo Ward in the Student Involvement Suite  Front Desk located on the second floor of the Rayburn Student Center.
A&M System Application for Student Regent<http://assets.system.tamus.edu/files/academic/pdf/StudentRegentApplication2016.pdf>
  - Guide to Regent Application<http://assets.system.tamus.edu/files/academic/pdf/GuideStudentApp2016.pdf>

THECB Application for Non-Voting Student Representative<http://assets.system.tamus.edu/files/academic/pdf/CBStudentRepForm12.pdf>
  - Guide to THECB Application<http://assets.system.tamus.edu/files/academic/pdf/THECBStudRepApp.pdf>

Applicants for either the Student Regent or Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board positions must also complete the application for appointment by the Governor.
Office of the Governor Appointment Application<http://governor.state.tx.us/files/appointments/appointapp.rtf>
  - Guide to Governor Appointment Application<http://assets.system.tamus.edu/files/bor/studentregent/GuideAppointmentApplication.pdf>

Applicant requirements:

  *   Must be enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student
  *   Must be "in good standing" as certified by the registrar's office
  *   Commit to fulfill all board-related responsibilities during the term of service
  *   Maintain a statewide perspective on higher education (as opposed to representing any single college or university)
  *   Once appointed, the student regent/student representative must remain enrolled at the institution during the full term
  *   2.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale must be maintained to continue eligibility

This information is also available on the SGA Website<http://www.tamuc.edu/CampusLife/studentCenter/studentGovernmentAssociation/applications.aspx>. Please contact Leo.Ward at tamuc.edu<mailto:%20Leo.Ward at tamuc.edu> for additional information.


Leo Ward
Operations Graduate Assistant
Rayburn Student Center
Leo.Ward at tamuc.edu<mailto:Leo.Ward at tamuc.edu>

Mail: P.O. Box 3011 | Commerce, TX 75429
Ship: 2600 South Neal Street | Commerce, TX 75428
Tel: 903.468.3315 | www.tamuc.edu<http://www.tamuc.edu/>

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Please take a minute to complete our We Care<http://www.tamuc.edu/admissions/oneStopShop/weCare.aspx> survey online and let us know how we are doing!

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