[Students] QEP ePortfolio Tutorials

Ashley Kimble Ashley.Kimble at tamuc.edu
Tue Jan 20 17:21:00 CST 2015

Hey Lions!

Join the QEP staff during a 2 week opportunity to create and populate your ePortfolio!

Stop by BA 339 computer lab during any of the available times:

Monday 1/26:
10am- 4:30pm

Tuesday 1/27: 8am- 12pm
2- 4:30pm

Wednesday 1/28: 8-10am
11am- 4:30pm

Thursday 1/29:
3- 4:30pm

Monday 2/2:
8- 9am
10am- 4:30pm

Wednesday 2/4:
11am- 4:30pm

Thursday 2/5: 8am- 12pm
3- 4:30pm

Learn how to create an electronic portfolio, how to manage your ManeSync account, and details about the Global Scholar program.

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