[Students] Compliance Training - RCR and POHS Apr. 10 & 11

Julie Russell Julie.Russell at tamuc.edu
Wed Apr 2 16:14:23 CDT 2014

Dear Student,

Students involved in any type of research are required to take
Responsible Conduct of Research Training.  We are offering this same
training in a classroom setting, facilitated by Dr. Bruce Whitney, Chief
Research Compliance Officer for Texas A&M University System, on April
10, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm in BA 109. 


Students involved in research with human subjects (or participants) in
any way are required to take Protection of Human Subjects Training.  We
are offering this same training in a classroom setting, facilitated by
Dr. Bruce Whitney, Chief Research Compliance Officer for Texas A&M
University System, on April 11, from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm in BA 109. 


Student (non-employee) registration:  (copy and paste this web link) 


[Please use the 'Finish' button on second page of form]


This Training takes the place of the on-line CITI Training.


Thank you and please call with questions or if you need more




Julie Russell | Research & Sponsored Programs Coordinator II

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

Julie.Russell at tamuc.edu <mailto:Julie.Russell at tamuc.edu> 

P O Box 3011 | Commerce, TX  75429-3011

Tel. 903-886-5963 | Fax 903-468-8784 | www.tamuc.edu


Texas A&M University-Commerce         


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