[Students] Introduction to LinkedIn

Cathy G Haynsworth Cathy.Haynsworth at tamuc.edu
Wed Sep 4 13:37:10 CDT 2013

HEARD of LinkedIn but not sure WHAT it is or what it's FOR? 

Do you have a profile and feel it's not SELLING you? 

Are you READY to take your PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT to the next level? 

Introduction to LinkedIn***

BA 345

September 17th & 24th



Join Kyle Hickman of Leadership, Engagement, and Development (L.E.A.D.) 

 Greg Shirley of Career Development and get an introduction to LinkedIn!

***Register for event through HireaLion (www.hirealion.com/students
<http://www.hirealion.com/students> ). 

Look for 'Career Events'

For information, contact Kyle Hickman at 903.886.5825
(Kyle.Hickman at tamuc.edu <mailto:Kyle.Hickman at tamuc.edu> ) or Greg
Shirley at 903.886.5110 (Gregory.Shirley at tamuc.edu
<mailto:Gregory.Shirley at tamuc.edu> ). 


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