[Students] Celebrate GenTXDay on Friday May 3!

Andrea Miller Andrea.Miller at tamuc.edu
Thu May 2 13:32:38 CDT 2013

This year's GenTXDay theme is "Take a Step on GenTX Day." Generation
Texas is asking students, parents, educators, nonprofits, businesses,
and all participating groups to celebrate the day with college
enrollment activities that help close educational gaps in communities. 

Give yourself a pat on the back for taking the steps to develop your own
higher education. In support of GenTX Day, wear an A&M-Commerce t-shirt
on Friday, May 3 and take a few minutes to start a conversation with the
people in your life about the college experience. 

Get involved by Tweeting pictures of your GenTX participation and
remember to tag #GenTXDay and #tamuc. You can also share with us on

To learn more, visit http://gentx.org. 


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