[Students] Lioncard Scheduled Maintenance

Lydia Harkey Lydia.Harkey at tamuc.edu
Thu Jun 27 16:43:22 CDT 2013

Outage Alert


What is happening?

Lioncard will be down for scheduled maintenance


When is it happening?

Friday, June 27, 2013 from 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Central Time. 


Services/Applications Impacted:

.         Lioncard

Why is it happening?

To ensure Lioncard services are maintained 


Services Not Impacted:

Internet, Telephone and related services will not be impacted. 


What you need to do:

If you experience other technical problems after 6:00 p.m. CST, please
contact the IT Support Center at 903-468-6000 or
<mailto:Helpdesk at tamuc.edu> Helpdesk at tamuc.edu.

If you experience eCollege technical problems after 2:00 AM CT, contact the
eCollege helpdesk at 1-866-656-5511 (toll free) or
<mailto:helpdesk at online.tamuc.org> helpdesk at online.tamuc.org .

x> IT Support Center 
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. .  <mailto:helpdesk at tamuc.edu>
helpdesk at tamuc.edu . 903-468-6000 




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