Kathy Compton Kathy.Compton at tamuc.edu
Wed Feb 20 16:17:04 CST 2013

REMINDER:  TIMESHEETS ARE DUE BY 5PM TODAY,  WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH . If you have hours to report and you do not complete the timesheet by the deadline you are risking not being paid in a timely manner. If you do not submit your hours your supervisor will "cancel" your timesheet.  The timesheet that is due is for the period worked from February 7th thru February 20th to be paid on Friday, March 1st.   


The website address to complete your timesheet is:  https://sso.tamus.edu <https://sso.tamus.edu/> 


We would like to encourage you to set up direct deposit which ensures easier access to your funds.  Please see Tracy McQueary in HR at 903-886-5282 for information on setting up your direct deposit.


Please review the link to the payroll calendar.  Some of you had trouble accessing the link but it works best using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.




For questions, please call Kathy Compton, Leave/Payroll Specialist at 903-886-5118




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