[Students] Invitation to participate in a graduate school research study about local history education in Texas.

PhillipsJulie julie.phillips at tamuc.edu
Thu Apr 11 10:26:25 CDT 2013


My name is Marvin Gorley and I am an MFA candidate at Texas A&M
University-Commerce. My MFA research study will determine whether enough
public support for teaching local history in public schools can be generated
to merit submission to the Texas Board of Education. You only need to
complete a 10-question anonymous survey about local history to take part.
It will take approximately 10 minutes.  Participation is completely
voluntary and all of the information provided will be kept strictly
confidential and reported in summary form only.  As this is an unfunded
thesis project, I cannot offer compensation for participation in this study.
I would appreciate it if you would forward this e-mail invitation to those
who you believe would be interested in participating in this survey.


This study has been approved by the Texas A&M University-Commerce
Institutional Review Board.

Please click the link below to access consent information and participate in
the survey:
If you have any questions, please email me at:
mailto:mgorley at leomail.tamuc.edu <mailto:mgorley at leomail.tamuc.edu>
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Marvin Gorley
MFA candidate
Texas A&M University-Commerce UCD

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