[Students] “Financial Aid: What does it mean? ” & "Cesar Chavez Blood Drive"

abriones@leo.tamu-commerce.edu abriones at leo.tamu-commerce.edu
Thu Mar 29 15:20:24 CDT 2012

Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Inc. would like to invite you to:

April 3rd: Financial Aid Workshop
	“Financial Aid: What does it mean?”
	Come and learn more about what Financial Aid has to offer
at TAMU-C.
	A scholarship will be given out.
	Welcome center at the One Stop Shop. 12:30pm

April 9th: Cesar Chavez Blood Drive
	You can make a difference. Please give blood.
	If you are thinking about donating, you can make an
appointment at:
	redcrossblood.org (code kappadeltachi)
	Parking lot E. (Next to the Student Center). 10am-2:30pm

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