[Students] NEW myLEO Portal is postponed for further testing. OLD myLEO is reconnected for continued use.

Lisa Martinez Lisa.Martinez at tamuc.edu
Sun Jun 3 23:42:48 CDT 2012

Greetings Students, Faculty and Staff,
The Portal and Implementation Team worked all weekend testing all
aspects of the NEW myLEO portal. While we successfully tested the
majority of the applications required for Students and Faculty to start
the Summer I Term, there are still a couple of issues that require
additional testing before proceeding.

We will be temporarily reconnecting the OLD myLEO portal, and activating
all vital appli...cations for you to continue to use. Testing will
continue on the NEW myLEO with extensive efforts to have all
applications successfully implemented.

For updates, visit the myLEO Help Page at:
<https://myleo.tamuc.edu/web/help/login>  .

If you are still encountering issues with your LeoMail 2.0 or current
myLEO, contact myLEOportal at tamuc.edu <mailto:youremailaddress>  

Follow up communication will be available regarding a new launch
schedule as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience as we ensure
your first experience with the NEW myLEO portal is successful. 

Portal Team


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