[Students] FW: CLiC receives Humanities Texas grant, brings 4 Exhibitions to Commerce!

Kim Jefferies Kim_Jefferies at tamu-commerce.edu
Fri Feb 18 08:17:40 CST 2011

The Converging Literacies Center (CLiC) received a Humanities Texas
grant, bringing four major exhibitions to Commerce

All four Humanities Texas exhibitions are free and open to the public. 

in Celebration of Black History Month
"Behold the People: R. C. Hickman's Photographs of Black Dallas,
1949-1961" (Commerce City Hall)
"Jasper, Texas: The Healing of a Community in Crisis" (Gee Library)
Also featured: 
"Literary East Texas: An Exhibition of Photographs Honoring 25 East
Texas Writers" (Hall of Languages)
"Images of Valor: U.S. Latinos and Latinos in World War II" (Audie
Murphy Cotton Museum, Greenville)

Details about each exhibition available at 
and http://convergingliteraciescenter.wordpress.com/

For additional information, contact project director Shannon Carter at 
shannon_carter at tamu-commerce.edu

Also in celebration of Black History Month:

Don't miss a screening of CLiC's first documentary: "The Other Side" 

February 21, 2011, 3:00 pm, Hall of Languages, Room 203
Trailer at http://vimeo.com/19984989
Details at 

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