[Students] FW: Chief Information Officer Candidates Interview Schedule

Cathy Haynsworth Cathy_Haynsworth at tamu-commerce.edu
Fri Apr 29 10:02:05 CDT 2011

University Community,


On behalf of the members of the Chief Information Officer Search
Committee, five candidates for the CIO position have been approved by
President Dan Jones to be invited to campus next week.  You are invited
and encouraged to attend an Open Forum for each candidate from 1:30-2:30
each day.  Please note the locations in the attached interview schedule.
Refreshments will be served.


First Candidate - Monday, May 2

Mr. Leebrian Gaskins, Associate Vice President of Information
Technology/Chief Information Officer, at Texas A&M International
University, Laredo, Texas.  Attached is a copy of Mr. Gaskins' vita.


Please join us Monday in the Traditions Room of the SRSC at 1:30 to hear
Mr. Gaskins' presentation.  Attached is the comment sheet for Mr.
Gaskin.  Please print and bring with you, and the sheets will be
collected at the door.


Importance of CIO Position

We realize that next week is a busy week for everyone; however, please
be reminded that the creation of the Chief Information Officer position
and the reorganization of our information technology functions is the
basis of the IT Technology Report
dresses/2011-01-13/ITRecommendations.pdf>  received last December.  The
University Task Force on Technology Visioning has endorsed the
recommendations of the consultant, which call for consolidating
administrative computing, distance education, and web services under the
leadership of the CIO.  This position will report to the president.




CIO Search Committee Co-chairs

Alicia Currin

Dr. Jerry Parish


Attachments:  4

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