Anthony Schrock Anthony_Schrock at tamu-commerce.edu
Fri Feb 26 15:19:21 CST 2010

<mailto:Anthony_Schrock at tamu-commerce.edu> 

Attention All Residents:


Looking for a chance to make a change and let your voice be heard??? Well then the upcoming Info Snack is where you'll want to be. This is your CHANCE to state any changes you like to see happen in your residence hall, give your concerns/questions or even compliment the hall you live in! Can't wait to see you there. Sunday, February 28, 2010 @ 7pm in New Pride Community Center.


Please communicate any questions or concerns to President Anthony Schrock at Anthony_Schrock at tamu-commerce.edu or 903-468-3610



 The Residence Hall Association



Anthony Schrock Jr. 

President, Residence Hall Association

Office (903)468-3610

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