[Students] Important Notice** Lion Card Server Upgrade scheduled June 30th and July 1st

Jennifer Perry Jennifer_Perry at tamu-commerce.edu
Thu Jun 25 10:33:26 CDT 2009

Important Notice:


Go-Live for the new Lion Card server is scheduled for June 30th and July
1st.  The entire system upgrade is expected to take approximately a day
and a half.  Technicians will begin the conversion process after 8 pm on
Monday, June 29th.  


Cash operations will be available during this transition; however, Lion
Cash and credit card transactions will not be available during this


Locations affected by this are:


All Lion Cash Deposits including online

Mane Card Office - Lion Card production

Account Management Centers

Dining Hall

Bistro (Gee Library)

James Gee Library (fines, etc)

Metroplex Center  

Printing in print labs

Public Copiers

Lion Cash only @ Texas Bookstore (SRSC location)

Lion Cash only @ East Texas Bookstore (Lee Street location)

Morris Recreation Center

Health Services

Digital Copy Centre



SRSC Game Room

SRSC Information Desk

SRSC Pride Shop

Door Access

Participating Off Campus Merchants: Dominos, Flying L Fast Mart and
Sweeties Donuts

Beverage vending

Snack vending


We appreciate your patience and have planned accordingly and made every
attempt to minimize down time in critical areas.



Auxiliary Management


Jennifer_Perry at tamu-commerce.edu    

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