[Students] FW: NEW MSW FOUNDATION Recruitment

Pamela Hammond Pamela_Hammond at tamu-commerce.edu
Thu Nov 20 12:10:03 CST 2008

Congratulation December Graduates!!  I'm sure many of you may have
employment opportunities or plans for graduate school, but if you do not
currently have plans, here's something to think about... enrolling in
the Masters degree in Social Work (MSW) program at Texas A&M -Commerce.
We offer the MSW degree (consisting of 67 semester hours) in Commerce
and Mesquite with classes scheduled evenings and Saturdays. An advanced
degree in social work would qualify you to help people in numerous ways.


Here's some of the things Social Workers do:

*	Provide counseling and therapy with individuals, families and

*	Serve as administrators for human service agencies

*	Do discharge planning in hospitals

*	Provide counseling and support to school children

*	Write grants and develop new programs and services

*	Work with special populations, such as battered women, people
with addictions and people with disabilities

*	And many many other things!

If you want to help make a difference in people's lives, then a degree
in social work might be for you.  With the special scholarships
available for Spring, we have extended our deadline for application to
our program to December 15 (but all graduate admissions requirements
MUST be submitted by then).  If you have any questions or would like
more information, please see our website
(www.tamu-commerce.edu/socialwork , email Dr.
Linda_openshaw at tamu-commerce.edu or the MSW secretary,
Pamela_hammond at tamu-commerce.edu.  Congratulations on your undergraduate
degree and we hope you might be interested in social work.

Dr. Brenda Moore, Dept. Head

Department of Social Work





From: Pamela Hammond
Sent: Thu 11/20/2008 11:39 AM
To: Brenda Moore
Subject: RE: NEW MSW FOUNDATION Recruitment

Brenda, Marlena does not have a listserv for pending graduates, but we
can send an email to the student listserv and direct the subject/message
to pending December graduates.




From: Brenda Moore 
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 11:34 AM
To: Brian Brumley; Patsy Boshears; Chuck Nash; Hugh Clark; Larry Watson;
Larry Watson; Linda Openshaw; Lon Johnston; Rebecca Judd; Rebecca Judd;
Sherry Sheffield
Cc: Pamela Hammond
Subject: RE: NEW MSW FOUNDATION Recruitment


Please let Pam know these additional contacts to send the notice to -
she already has one she sent out on listserv.  I think we should send a
letter/email to ALL Dec. graduates.  I meant to contact Marlena for
list, but got busy and forgot!  


Pam, would you mind contacting her and seeing what she can give us for
undergraduate contacts for December graduates???  There should be
400-600 and they should have a listserv or distribution list. Let me
know if you can get it and I will compose a "letter" to send.  Thanks!





From: Brian Brumley
Sent: Thu 11/20/2008 10:47 AM
To: Patsy Boshears; Brenda Moore; Chuck Nash; Hugh Clark; Larry Watson;
Larry Watson; Linda Openshaw; Lon Johnston; Rebecca Judd; Rebecca Judd;
Sherry Sheffield
Subject: NEW MSW FOUNDATION Recruitment

I sent an e-mail to all East Texas CPS, Dorothy Brown in Oklahoma and
called Jamie Smith in Oklahoma-----for the new cohort in Commerce---


The following needs to happen:


Our listserv needs the broadcast


Lakes Regional needs it (Who do we know there)


Ron and Doreen @ AIDS Services


We never do anything in-house---Is it out of line to send a flyer to
Sociology and Psychology




Brian Brumley, LMSW-IPR

Texas A & M-Commerce

Social Work

(903) 468-3071


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