[Students] Elevator Repairs Underway

Joan Lawrence Joan_Lawrence at tamu-commerce.edu
Mon Jun 9 16:42:03 CDT 2008





Mandatory Elevator Repairs Under Way


Required upgrades to the elevators in Journalism and Library began last
weekend and next Saturday (6/14/08) work will begin on the elevator in
Student Services. 


Elevators could be shut down for 2 - 6 weeks as repairs are made;
however, we are working to make sure access to buildings and/or stairs
or rooms is maintained. By doing this work now we hope to minimize the
inconvenience to the students, faculty, staff and visitors to our campus
and we will make every effort to have the work completed ahead of


Our apologizes for any inconvenience, 

David McKenna

Executive Director of Facilities & Support Services

Texas A&M University-Commerce


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