[Students] Enroll in University Band Spring 2008! -No Audition required-

Joan Lawrence Joan_Lawrence at tamu-commerce.edu
Tue Nov 13 08:16:54 CST 2007



e eeeeeeee
The Texas A&M University Commerce 
University Band 
wants you Spring semester 2008!
"University Band" is a brand new class starting Spring Semester 2008.
You do not have to audition to be in this band
and it is okay if you haven't even played your instrument for a while.

This band is geared specifically for 
brass, woodwind, and percussion students who 
are not music majors who just want to 
play their instrument for the fun of it!

If you are interested, simply go and register for the class:

University Band - 21870 - MUS 100V - 006  - 1.000 Credit 

The class meets only one day per week
(Tuesday nights from 7-9:00 p.m.)

If you have any questions, please do not reply to this email...
Instead, email the Director at:
Alan_Mills at TAMU-Commerce.edu

See you Spring 2008 in the Band Hall!

e eeeeeeee
Professor Alan W. Mills
 Associate Director of Bands
 Texas A&M University-Commerce
 Alan_Mills at TAMU-Commerce.edu
http://www.tamu-commerce.edu/music <http://www.tamu-commerce.edu/music>  

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