[Students] Reminder ~ Ultimate Money Skills Presentation

Connie Mears Connie_Mears at TAMU-Commerce.edu
Mon Oct 9 10:32:04 CDT 2006





The Ultimate Money Skills presentation can show you how your might already
be on your way to that high-priced coffee bill.  Come to the presentation on
Tuesday, October 10 at 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and at 1:00 p.m. in the
Bluebonnet, Pecan and Friendship Rooms, MSC 3rd floor.  This program will
show you how to develop smart money management skills in college that will
lead to a lifetime of financial independence and give you the information
you need to make better decisions going forward.


You will learn the following skills:


                        The appropriate use of credit

                        The basics of banking

                        Designing your own budget

                        Taking control of student loan debt

                        Protecting your identity



Connie Mears

Assistant Director of Student Activities and Leadership

Campus Synergy Lab/Memorial Student Center

903-886-5819 voice

903-468-3086 fax

Connie_Mears at tamu-commerce.edu <mailto:Connie_Mears at tamu-commerce.edu> 



"Live out your imagination, not your history."

                              Stephen Covey


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