[Students] Student Organizations Awards Banquet

Connie Mears Connie_Mears at TAMU-Commerce.edu
Tue Apr 11 11:32:58 CDT 2006

If you have not already picked up your Student Organizations Awards Packets
they are available in the Campus Activities Office.  Completed packets are
due by 5:00 p.m. on April 17 to be eligible for awards presented at the
banquet.  Listed below are the awards which will be given at the banquet:


1.      Highest Student Organization GPA Award

2.      Fraternity and Sorority GPA Award

3.      Student Organization Member Award

4.      Student Organization Outstanding Service Award

5.      Community Service Award

6.      Fraternity and Sorority Philanthropy Award

7.      Outstanding Campus Program of the Year Award

8.      Outstanding Campus Programming Award

9.      Greek Man and Woman of the Year Award

10.    Outstanding Campus Leader Award (Freshmen and Sophomore
Classification only)

11.    William Leonidas Mayo Student Leader Award (Junior and Senior
Classification only)

12.   Greek Fraternity and Sorority Chapter of the Year Award

13.    Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award

14.    Outstanding Student Organization Advisor Award


Your complementary tickets for the 3rd Annual Student Organizations Awards
Banquet are available in the Campus Activities Office.  The Awards Banquet
will be on Tuesday, April 25 in the MSC Ballrooms at 6:00 p.m.  


Your organization may receive two complenmentary tickets.  One ticket should
be held for the president or executive council member and one for your
campus advisor.  Should your advisor be unable to attend, or is attending
with another organization you may use that second ticket for your
organization.  Please RSVP and pick up your complementary tickets prior to
Thursday, April 20, 2006.






Connie Mears

Assistant Director of Student Activities and Leadership

Campus Synergy Lab/Memorial Student Center

903-886-5819 voice

903-468-3086 fax

Connie_Mears at tamu-commerce.edu <mailto:Connie_Mears at tamu-commerce.edu> 



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