[Students] Research Symposium for Students
Natalie Henderson
Natalie_Henderson at TAMU-Commerce.edu
Mon Sep 12 08:03:46 CDT 2005
Research Symposium for Students
3rd Annual TAMUS Pathways Research Symposium
November 4-5, 2005
Kingsville, Texas
The Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) invites its students and faculty to
the Third Annual Pathways Research Symposium on Friday and Saturday,
November 4-5, 2005, at the Texas A&M University-Kingsville campus. TAMUS
graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to present results from
their current or past research projects, even if preliminary. These
presentations will provide the student researcher an opportunity to discuss
their research with participants and faculty.
Pathways Research Symposium website:
<http://www.tamus.edu/pathways/information.htm> .
University Support
The Office of Graduate Studies and Research will support the first 14
students who register and submit an abstract for the symposium.
Support/funding includes travel (students will travel to symposium in
university vans), hotel and registration fee. Travel arrangements will be
made through the Office of Graduate Studies & Research.
Registration, Abstract & Poster Information
Online registration and abstract submission page is located at this site:
<http://www.tamus.edu/pathways/PathwaysSymposium/Registration.aspx> .
Deadline for abstract submission and registration is September 30, 2005.
Abstract guidelines can be found here
<http://www.tamus.edu/pathways/documents/Symposium/AbstractGuidelines.pdf> .
Abstract categories are Agriculture, Business, Computer Science, Education,
Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and
Social Sciences - Humanities
Each student submitting an abstract will be required to create a large
poster (3ft. x 4ft.) for one of the two poster presentations on November 4 &
5. The two following websites give instructions for creating large posters.
For poster guidelines click here
<http://www.tamus.edu/pathways/documents/Symposium/PosterGuidelines.pdf> .
The Campus Synergy Lab is available to print your poster for a fee.
Additional funding may be available through your major department.
For additional information or questions, please contact Natalie Henderson
(natalie_henderson at tamu-commerce.edu
<mailto:natalie_henderson at tamu-commerce.edu> ) or 903/886-5161 or on campus
in BA 142. Or visit our website at
<http://www.tamu-commerce.edu/gradschool/Pathways.asp> .
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