[Students] Job Fair October 19th

Joan Lawrence Joan_Lawrence at TAMU-Commerce.edu
Tue Oct 4 10:49:12 CDT 2005

Plan NOW to attend the A&M-Commerce Fall Job Fair on Wednesday, October
19th, from 9 am until noon in the Ballrooms of the Memorial Student Center
here on campus!

You can get more information -- including a list of the employers who are
registered to attend, and tips on how to make the most of a Job Fair -- on
Career Services' web site at

(Then AFTER the Job Fair, enjoy the Homecoming Spirit Day Cookout on the
East Circle of the MSC.)

          Sharon Fulkerson, Director                    
          Career Services/Veterans Affairs           
          Texas A&M University-Commerce
          Commerce, Texas 75429                      
          Phone (903) 886-5108 or FAX (903) 886-5015     
          Email:  Sharon_Fulkerson at tamu-commerce.edu
        Web Site:  www.tamu-commerce.edu/careerservices/


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