[Intl-stu] Today, January 30, is the last day to submit an insurance waiver!

International Students intl-stu at tamuc.edu
Fri Jan 30 10:52:24 CST 2015

The deadline to submit a waiver from the mandatory System Student Health Insurance Plan (SSHIP) enrollment is today, Friday, January 30.  If you meet one of the System allowed exceptions be sure to submit your waiver at https://tamuc.myahpcare.com/waiver.   Please allow the SSHIP account manager Academic Health Plans (AHP) up to seven business days to process your waiver.

All international students (F visa, J visa, H visa, etc...) are required to enroll in the SSHIP unless they meet one of the System allowed limited exceptions.  For more information go to http://www.tamuc.edu/campusLife/campusServices/internationalStudentServices/insurance.aspx.

If you have any questions please email Dawn.McPherson at tamuc.edu<mailto:Dawn.McPherson at tamuc.edu>.

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