Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
AccessChats | [no description available] |
AreaMusicTeachers | Elementary Music Specialists in North Texas |
Art-Gallery | [no description available] |
Art-HighSchoolTeachers | [no description available] |
Art-NewStudents | [no description available] |
Art-Region10 | [no description available] |
Artmajors | All students are Art Majors. |
BBAAccounting | College of Business |
BBADataAnalytics | College of Business |
BBAFinance | College of Business |
BBAFinanceStudents | College of Business |
BBAGeneralBusiness | College of Business |
BBAManagement | College of Business |
BBAMarketing | College of Business |
BSBABusinessAdministration | College of Business |
BSW | [no description available] |
CBEAlumni | College of Business |
CBT-GraduateAdvising | College of Business & Entrepreneurship Graduate Advising |
CBW_Exec | Conference of Basic Writing Executive Board |
CMSusers | [no description available] |
COBAlumni | [no description available] |
COBCareerServices | College of Business Career Services |
COBGrad | College of Business |
Cobgrad2 | [no description available] |
COBMasters | College of Business |
COBUnderGrad | College of Business |
Cobundergrad2 | College of Business |
COEHSGradRecruiting | [no description available] |
COHSSAStudents | CHSSA Student Listserv |
College_Business | [no description available] |
CoSE_Students | [no description available] |
COSEAfaculty | CoSEA Faculty |
COUNSGRADS | Counselor Education Students Nationwide |
CSRC | Computational Science Research Cluster |
Department-of-Accounting-and-Finance | College of Business |
EcoFinAlumni | College of Business |
EcoFinSociety | Economics and Finance Society |
ECOMajors | [no description available] |
EDLDocCohorts | [no description available] |
Eirac | Digital Accessibility Staff Collaboration |
Engineering.Notify | [no description available] |
Fineartsdirectors | [no description available] |
Grad-merchandise | [no description available] |
Grad_COB_Advising | [no description available] |
GradEnroll | [no description available] |
GradEvents | [no description available] |
GradFacultyStaff | [no description available] |
GradNews | [no description available] |
GraduateFinance | [no description available] |
GraduationChecklist | [no description available] |
HonorsFellows | [no description available] |
HonorsScholars | [no description available] |
Humor | |
IEAuthors | [no description available] |
Intl-stu | International Students |
Journalism | News for Journalism Students |
Library | [no description available] |
Linguists | Linguistics at Texas A&M-Commerce and in NE TX |
MastersStudentOrientation | [no description available] |
MBAStudents | College of Business |
Meadowscon | [no description available] |
Monkey2013 | Monkeys |
MSAccounting | College of Business |
MSDataAnalytics | College of Business |
MSFinance | College of Business |
MSManagement | College of Business |
MSMarketing | College of Business |
MSW | Social Work |
MusicAlumni | Music Alumni |
MusicEvents | [no description available] |
NewAlumni | [no description available] |
NewIntlStudents | New International Students |
NextStepScholarship | [no description available] |
NN2012 | International Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics and Thermodynamics in honor of Prof. Joe Natowitz |
NTWCA | listserv for the North Texas Writing Centers Association |
OSP-Board | OSP Advisory Board |
phas-alumni | Physics and Astronomy - Alumni |
phas-dept | Physics & Astronomy Department |
phas-faculty_staff_others | Physics and Astronomy - faculty_staff_others |
phas-grad | Physics and Astronomy - Graduate students |
phas-undergrad | Physics and Astronomy - Undergraduate students |
Region8-10teachers | [no description available] |
RegionalAlumni | RegionalAlumni |
RegistrarsOffice | The Registrar's Office |
Reu_journal | Daily Journal |
Rolloverscholarship | [no description available] |
sara-tech | [no description available] |
SPS | [no description available] |
SSC_ContractAdmin | [no description available] |
Students | East Texas A&M Students |
Study-Abroad | Office of International Programs |
StuOrg-adv | Advisors of Student Organizations |
StuOrg-pres | Presidents of Student Organizations |
StuOrg-rep | Representatives of Student Organizations |
SuccessCoach | Success Coach Information |
swkcommunity | [no description available] |
TACRAO | [no description available] |
Tadlas | [no description available] |
TamucAI | AI Initiative Mailing List |
Teacher-Certification | All students that recceived a bachelor's degree from A&M-Commerce |
ThePolis | The Department of Political Science |
TMEAVocal | [no description available] |
Tx-speed | TX SPEEDE Users |
TXBanner | [no description available] |
UndergradFinance | [no description available] |
Undergraduates | Texas A&M University-Commerce Undegraduates |
Uproarsubscribers | [no description available] |
Vocal | [no description available] |
VPAAEtal | Academic Affairs |
WebFOCUSReportingCommittee | [no description available] |
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