Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
AccessChats [no description available]
AreaMusicTeachers Elementary Music Specialists in North Texas
Art-Gallery [no description available]
Art-HighSchoolTeachers [no description available]
Art-NewStudents [no description available]
Art-Region10 [no description available]
Artmajors All students are Art Majors.
BBAAccounting College of Business
BBADataAnalytics College of Business
BBAFinance College of Business
BBAFinanceStudents College of Business
BBAGeneralBusiness College of Business
BBAManagement College of Business
BBAMarketing College of Business
BSBABusinessAdministration College of Business
BSW [no description available]
CBEAlumni College of Business
CBT-GraduateAdvising College of Business & Entrepreneurship Graduate Advising
CBW_Exec Conference of Basic Writing Executive Board
CMSusers [no description available]
COBAlumni [no description available]
COBCareerServices College of Business Career Services
COBGrad College of Business
Cobgrad2 [no description available]
COBMasters College of Business
COBUnderGrad College of Business
Cobundergrad2 College of Business
COEHSGradRecruiting [no description available]
COHSSAStudents CHSSA Student Listserv
College_Business [no description available]
CoSE_Students [no description available]
COSEAfaculty CoSEA Faculty
COUNSGRADS Counselor Education Students Nationwide
CSRC Computational Science Research Cluster
Department-of-Accounting-and-Finance College of Business
EcoFinAlumni College of Business
EcoFinSociety Economics and Finance Society
ECOMajors [no description available]
EDLDocCohorts [no description available]
Eirac Digital Accessibility Staff Collaboration
Engineering.Notify [no description available]
Fineartsdirectors [no description available]
Grad-merchandise [no description available]
Grad_COB_Advising [no description available]
GradEnroll [no description available]
GradEvents [no description available]
GradFacultyStaff [no description available]
GradNews [no description available]
GraduateFinance [no description available]
GraduationChecklist [no description available]
HonorsFellows [no description available]
HonorsScholars [no description available]
IEAuthors [no description available]
Intl-stu International Students
Journalism News for Journalism Students
Library [no description available]
Linguists Linguistics at Texas A&M-Commerce and in NE TX
MastersStudentOrientation [no description available]
MBAStudents College of Business
Meadowscon [no description available]
Monkey2013 Monkeys
MSAccounting College of Business
MSDataAnalytics College of Business
MSFinance College of Business
MSManagement College of Business
MSMarketing College of Business
MSW Social Work
MusicAlumni Music Alumni
MusicEvents [no description available]
NewAlumni [no description available]
NewIntlStudents New International Students
NextStepScholarship [no description available]
NN2012 International Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics and Thermodynamics in honor of Prof. Joe Natowitz
NTWCA listserv for the North Texas Writing Centers Association
OSP-Board OSP Advisory Board
phas-alumni Physics and Astronomy - Alumni
phas-dept Physics & Astronomy Department
phas-faculty_staff_others Physics and Astronomy - faculty_staff_others
phas-grad Physics and Astronomy - Graduate students
phas-undergrad Physics and Astronomy - Undergraduate students
Region8-10teachers [no description available]
RegionalAlumni RegionalAlumni
RegistrarsOffice The Registrar's Office
Reu_journal Daily Journal
Rolloverscholarship [no description available]
sara-tech [no description available]
SPS [no description available]
SSC_ContractAdmin [no description available]
Students East Texas A&M Students
Study-Abroad Office of International Programs
StuOrg-adv Advisors of Student Organizations
StuOrg-pres Presidents of Student Organizations
StuOrg-rep Representatives of Student Organizations
SuccessCoach Success Coach Information
swkcommunity [no description available]
TACRAO [no description available]
Tadlas [no description available]
TamucAI AI Initiative Mailing List
Teacher-Certification All students that recceived a bachelor's degree from A&M-Commerce
ThePolis The Department of Political Science
TMEAVocal [no description available]
Tx-speed TX SPEEDE Users
TXBanner [no description available]
UndergradFinance [no description available]
Undergraduates Texas A&M University-Commerce Undegraduates
Uproarsubscribers [no description available]
Vocal [no description available]
VPAAEtal Academic Affairs
WebFOCUSReportingCommittee [no description available]

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